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1C Salary and Human Resources Management

1C: Salary and Human Resources Management 8 is a comprehensive software solution for computerized allocation of tools related to calculating employee salaries and executing personnel policies. It can successfully be applied to manage human resources of various sizes of commercial companies, considering legal requirements and business practices. This program can be effectively implemented in departments of human resources management and financial management as well as other departments.

1C: Salary and Human Resources Management 8 supports the core processes of human resources management, including personnel accounting processes, salary calculation, tax calculation, reporting to government bodies and social funds, and calculation of additional expenses beyond regular salaries, all in compliance with legal requirements and focusing on business practices and global trends in HR management.

1C: Salary and Human Resources Management 8 complies with the requirements of the Federal Law No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data" dated July 27, 2006. The program allows registering events related to personal data (especially data entry and refusal), as well as reflecting which user is associated with the event.

With mechanisms for convenient and reliable data collection for numeric instructions, as well as customization for the customer, the program provides opportunities for obtaining comprehensive and reliable information for various categories of users: management, human resources management, personnel service, and others.

Delivery Options

Considering the different needs of companies, the company offers three different functional and complexity-rich programs:

1C: Salary and Human Resources Management 8 PRO provides personnel and salary accounting for various companies, including small to large ones and independent departments.

1C: Salary and Human Resources Management 8 CORP offers a comprehensive solution for automating all tasks related to human resources management for medium and large companies. Effective HR management is considered vital for the company's successful operation. This product supports the implementation of the company's personnel policies, efficiently and quickly analyzes the capabilities of employees at a modern level, processes information about the situation of company employees, plans training, development, and career paths, and makes significant management decisions.

1C: Salary and Human Resources Management 8. Basic Version is a product offered for small organizations. It fully automates human resources accounting in the workplace, including salary calculation, and calculates relevant taxes and payments in accordance with legal requirements.